Tag Archives furniture

Why Buy American-made Furniture Today?

by Friday, July 28, 2017

American made vs. Foreign made? Your choice matters! From Swedish to Japanese, America is home to a wide range of international furnishings. Many of these countries offer trendy, affordable designs, so it's easy to understand why both consumers and leaders in the furniture industry are excited to shop for these outsourced products. But what about the ...

Furniture Wood Selection

by Friday, April 7, 2017

If you're looking to purchase new solid wood furniture, you already know to look no further than American made quality wood. Now that you know the standard of craftsmanship you want, it is very important to know what woods are actually best used and most aesthetically pleasing when used for solid wood furniture. We spoke with solid ...

Negatives of Fake Wood Furniture

by Thursday, July 28, 2016

Most wood furniture on the market today is not solid wood. “I wouldn’t say that other furniture is junk. It’s just that people are not getting what they think they’re paying for,” solid wood expert Roy Ortega says. “Here at Gallery Furniture, we love solid wood because the quality materials are part of the craftsman tradition. ...

Furniture 101: Stylish Curves

by Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Tables and chairs often feature legs with stunning curves, and most of us can't help but wonder how any woodworker is able to achieve the precise look. What's the process they follow? Are there machines that help craftsmen create curved legs? Are all curves created the same way, or are there different methods to follow ...