Martinelli’s Cider

by Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Today, Martinelli’s is the leader of the sparkling cider industry. At the California State Fair in 1890, Martinelli’s was awarded the 1st prize gold medal which lead to the trademark brand we all know today as, “Martinelli’s Gold Medal.”

Nestled in the Pajaro Valley, S. Martinelli & Company is located in Watsonville, California. All the juice is made from fresh, hand picked, ripened Newton Pippin apples that are both sweet and tart– their juice is never made from concentrated, and is gluten free.

With the help of a student from the University of California in 1916, Stephen G. Martinelli Jr. came up with the method to make bubbly apple juice into the non-alcoholic cider that many people enjoy drinking today. Their infamous “Golden Apple” jug was created in 1933 along with the memorable phrase, “Drink Your Apple A Day.”

The company has received over fifty awards for product excellence on the state, national, and international levels. Martinelli’s Gold Medal products are delivered and distributed in every state in the U.S., as well as many other countries around the world. Next time you and your family pop open a bottle of Martinelli Sparkling Cider, celebrate this award winning American classic!

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