Greener Living Room Furniture

by Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Greener Living Room Furniture

If you’re interested in “going green” and have been making active changes to your lifestyle in order to better protect the environment you may still be overlooking one thing – the furniture in your own home. Do you know where the actual materials came from?  What about where it was made? Buying organic, driving less, and recycling are all things that come to our mind first when we think about lowering our environmental impact, but do you ever stop to think about the traveling your furniture did to get to you? What about whether or not the materials were harvested responsibly, or made in a factory with low emissions or under strict regulations? There are many ways we can change our impact on the environment by being conscious of where we purchase our furniture from and how it was made.

Buying American made furniture is the best way to go green with your purchase. Many American companies are beginning to understand the importance of protecting our Earth, and have committed to changing their business practices to reflect this awareness. They are regulating by the EPA to produce their furniture in a way which is less harmful to the environment, but also go a step beyond that in order to prove their commitment. Franklin Corp. began organizing teams to monitor and change their electricity and water usage, as well as their solid waste output. In 2010 alone, they reduced their solid waste by 14% – which is huge for a company of their size according to the Memphis Business Journal.

Purchasing also cuts down on emissions due to the furniture requiring much less shipping distance, and taking trucks instead of overseas shipping. American made furniture is also reducing emissions if you choose to buy local furniture made by artisans in your area, which we highly recommend. Buying local from companies that source their product from the community or make it themselves puts your money back into your neighborhood. When you buy from a local furniture manufacturer, you are supporting small businesses and allowing your community to thrive.

Another way you can ensure your furniture is eco-friendly is by knowing the sources of the wood, fabric, and other materials were either sourced responsibly, or made with reclaimed materials. Overall, buying furniture and filling your home with goods made in America is a great step toward reducing your carbon footprint, and saving our planet.

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